Earth Hour
Earth hour -world biggest climate change awareness program
Due to extreme global worming, we need to be aware that we are part of the world. It is now the responsibility has fall upon us - earthling to protect the future of the earth. Join us and be a part of the crowd in this big event.The main theme for this event is to let us know the important of energy saving and creating awarenes.Earth Hour is organized byWWF.With almost 5 million supporters and a global network in over 100 countries, it’s one of the world's largest and most respected independent conservation organizations. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
全球暖化效應日趨嚴重,為喚醒大家關懷地球WWF的將來,T-rio娱乐群组將全力配合與支持這項“地球一小時”(Earth Hour)醒覺活動,並于3月27日,晚上8點半至9點半,同步熄掉所有電源長達1小時。屆時,全球超過 1000個區域也將會“熄燈”以示支持。根據世界自然基金會(WWF)調查,人類對用電的疏忽也是造成破壞地球的主要因素。而三年前于澳洲悉尼發起的“地球一小時”成功引起全球注意並成為環保的主要課題。去年,WWF號召全球10億人來自全世界不同國家的人民參與,而今年WWF希望號召全球人类,其中包括個人、政府以及社團一同參與其盛,而馬來西亞WWF亦將率領全國人民參與這項全球性活動。
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