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Feeling frustrated with your schedule???

热度2970票  浏览18次 【共1条评论】【我要评论 时间:2010年3月22日 20:09

Lets be more causal this time. I don't want to talk much about the happening around Malaysia. I want to talk about ME. HEHE!!!  Currently I study in HELP University College, as a psychology student, who is taking up a minor in finance and take up a part time job at Starbucks and a problematic gay friend. Well, it is not hectic and i am still ok with that. * LIAR* Since i started my job, I need to have a good time management. It is neither easy nor difficult, you just need to plan your schedule well.
I used to complain about how NOT enough time I have, I wish that there are more hours in a day. I guess you are just as same as me. (Human do procrastinate so don't lie about that) I always do my assignmentS, cleaning, everything in last minute. I did it because it is so fill with lot of pressure that you have ever imagine. OMG I still haven't search for any references for my assignment. I have been to a point that 1 day before my assignment due date and I am still looking for journal articles in the web. I need to complete a 10 page assignment+ referencing+formatting+reciting = no sleep+no toilet+no chatting+ staying in front of your computer all the time. Can u imagine that ?Life is so su*k

Honestly for anyone of you, please if you do want to experience the "excitement" of last minute work, u can always start doing your work at the very very last minute. I have a "good" experience on that. For those who want to avoid that, i have here some interesting way to prevent you from falling to this trap

1. Always have a daily planner with you. You can get it from any bookstore or even some companies are able to give it for free. But if you need it urgent just buy it from any store.

2. Get to know your due date. With the daily planner don't just use it for display, jot down the important dates and refer to it  daily.

3.Distribute  your time properly. Make sure you know proiroty. But don't overdo it. Don't make yourself feel stress while sticking to your timetable. When you feel stress about it, you tend to give up more easily.

Well thats so much for now. Hope that alll of you able to enjoy your life now. Any questions, feel free to leave them down there. I will try my best to help you






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